The Gas station...Gosh!!!
The petrol bunks in b'lore!! woow!! they cheat in a blink of an eye..
The other day.. my sis n i were driving down.. and we had to fuel the car.. so we stopped by the HP petrol bunk near the CBI road, we thought it was just another bunk to fuel the car.
we did not really pay any attention.
There was a guy already fueling his bike. Once he was done, the guy came and took the key as usual to open the tank and asked how much?? so as usual we told him.. for 500/-...
Even before the guy could start fueling the car.. the cashier came to collect the money.. we gave him the card.. when the person started fueling the car.. simulaneously, the cashier, asked for Rs.3/- change, why would anybody want 3 Rs change when given a card.. ??
In about a second everything that was happening around was so bizzare..
In about a fraction of a second.. my sis n i realised something was terribly wrong !!
you know its pretty normal for us to hear the man in bunk screamin his lungs out.." madam zero , madam zero...." a zillion times until we take a look at the reading.. which the man never did..
When we finally saw the meter, the meter reading was at 50/- already.. and we all know for a fact that.. the meter would not jump all the numbers till 50/- in a jiffy..
You know this all happend in a fraction of a second
Gosh!! then we realised.. that the bunk guy was trying to cheat us... he had fueled a bike before us and he continued the same for the car.. without refreshing the meter and no wonder he did not bother to tell us.. "madam zero"..
When asked him to put 50/- extra he denied.. he startd saying.. no madam it always turns zero automatically.. he startd raising his voice.. when i got out of the car.. and yelled at him.. he was still not willing to fuel for extra 50/-
By then.. there was a police constable who arrived at the bunk seeing me fight with the bunk guy.. when the police constable heard the story.. he stood by the bunk guy and asked him to fuel for extra 50/- and then left..
For the first time i'v seen a police man do the right thing!!
And people be careful about fueling in any bunk!! then can jus do anything to cheat us all!!
Hey, great story. I'm glad you got your money's worth of petrol. I've heard similar stories of petrol bunks cheating their customers. Always make sure that the reading is at Zero before you start filling it in. There's no other way.
Good to hear the police did the right thing. You rarely hear stories about honest cops. :-)
Ha, i'll tell you my story. I always fill 1000 bucks worth petrol in my car. At a petrol pump on hosur rd, a coupla weeks ago, I was similarly filling petrol. Suddenly, one of guys shouted "stop, stop"... coz my fuel talk was leaking. The guy stopped pouring, and I didnt take note of how much the meter was showing, I was too busy looking under the car for the leak.
It was completely by chance that I looked up and I saw one of the guys, not one feet from me, type in 430 in the rupees meter, overwriting the previous reading. The previous reading was 330. Then this guy coolly tells me that 430 worth of petrol has been filled. When I threatened to break his head, another guy immediately stepped in and said, pay 330. He'd noticed that I'd seen this first s.o.b do his thing. Amazing, how crooked their minds are. Not one opportunity is left to screw somebody.
Normally I would call the manager, file a complain... sigh, but this time I gave up. There are only so many things one can fight against.
Nisho- ya.. i know, thats the only way out.. People should make it a habbit to check the meter.
hawkeye- Ya your right!! therez not everything that one can fight for..
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